Compatibility of safety and lightweight construction thanks to high-strength steels
High-strength fine-grained structural steels are becoming increasingly important in crane construction and other sectors of structural steel engineering. Compared to conventional steel grades with lower strength, these steels offer a considerable potential for lightweight construction and, as result of continuous material developments, simultaneously exhibit a high level of toughness and high resistance to brittle fracture.
Increase of performance and economic efficiency
Especially in mobile crane construction, the reduction of the dead weight without loss of load-bearing capacity is a possibility to increase the payload and thus the economic efficiency. For this reason, fine-grained structural steels with extremely high strengths (yield strength class 1100 MPa) are used, for example, in modern mobile crane constructions for the manufacture of telescopic booms.
Take advantage of the full potential with the right welding strategy
The welding processes used in crane construction are primarily arc welding processes, such as GMA welding, or hybrid process modifications, e.g. Laser-GMA hybrid welding, whereby the temperature control based on the parameter settings must be adjusted properly. This is the only way to achieve the required mechano-technological properties of the highly stressed welded structures. At the same time, it is important to reduce the risk of the occurrence of potential defects (e.g. cold cracking) by implementing adapted processing strategies.
Individual solutions
Design concepts in modern crane construction can be complex in terms of both construction and materials, which results in specific challenges, especially with regard to weldability.
We would be pleased to offer you active support in order to adapt your welding processes to your joining tasks. By means of test welds, we can also map your joining tasks on a laboratory scale and test and analyze the welds with regard to the resulting property profiles.