Better, faster, affordable - we optimize your joining processes
Many joining processes have been running for several years and have proven themselves in daily operation. But the technological development has not stopped and even tried and tested ways can be improved. Changes in the prevailing conditions and requirements may be the reason that processes which were once good no longer deliver satisfactory results.
Minor changes, big impact
Even minor changes in your joining processes may bring about a major impact on your results: Better quality, less scrap, faster cycle times or lower costs will give you valuable advantages in an increasingly competitive market.
Identifying correct fine-tuning parameters
Together, we carefully analyze the current situation to identify improvement potential. In workshops we will help to look for goals and framework conditions and also for restrictions which are often imposed on the joining process and which may come from all directions. Only then will we work out the next steps with you.
Experiments in the laboratory, not during ongoing production
The joining technology laboratory of our research partner ISF offers realistic conditions for experiments. This is where our experts carry out test series using various welding and joining processes.
This way, we verify all measures derived from our tests before we start to modify your important production processes.
Implementation of the recommendations until optimization goals are achieved
In cooperation with you, in your function as expert for your components and production processes, we will implement the developed and tested measures. We support you in the setting-up and the optimal configuration of any additional equipment for your systems.
We believe it is very important that the result is not only an optimized joining process, but that also a great deal of know-how will be retained in your company.